The Passive Escape

{October 31, 2009}   iTunes annoys me…

So, I know everyone moans about iTunes, and I don’t have it as bad as, eg. losing ALL my music. But it’s still aggravating.

The fact that I live in two houses because my parents split means that I have my account activated on about 4 computers now. Not needed anymore, as I have this laptop. But it means that all the tracks I’ve bought are split across these computers, and it refuses to redownload it onto this computer when I want to update. What’s up with that?

I wouldn’t use iTunes, in fact, I’d stay well away from it if I could because as far as I’m concerned, they’re renowned for beign utter jerks. But it’s the only way I can buy music online (there’s only one big music store in my town, which doesn’t have the best selection). That reason being, because I casn go into town and buya £15 iTunes voucher, then go home and spend it. If I was able to have a credit card, believe me, I’d be using another, better online store.

So perhaps I’m asking for help? At the moment I’m prepping myself for the big job of finding all my music and getting it together. But does anyone know of any other way to buy music without having to deal with iTunes?

{October 30, 2009}   The Post and LoveFilm

So it’s Friday morning, and I go downstairs for some breakfast. As I’m pouring milk over my supermarket ownbrand ‘multigrain hoops’, I do the usual, which is to scour the table for post. What am I expecting? A red bulging square that holds two DVDs, sent with love from LoveFilm. But there was nothing, zero, zilch.

I sent these DVDs off on Sunday, so they must have been picked up straight away in the morning on Monday. And must I add that this is all done by First Class post? Somethings up, and we didn’t even have the random postal strike in the middle.

There is a big pallaver going on witht he Postal Service. And I’m not entirely sure what my opinion is on it, and what the union actuaklly wanted when they did the strike.

For me, what matters at this current hour is that tonight I have nothing to watch, when I was so hoping to watch either ‘I Spy’ or ‘The Mummy 3’… Read the rest of this entry »

{October 29, 2009}   The sewing machine broke…

My ‘make my own Halloween costume’ plan didn’t really go to … plan. It was going so well, I had the oversized t-shirt and everything, I made the first, most scary cut on the side and as I go to sew it back together…

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{October 18, 2009}   Halloween…


So, Halloween is coming up and I’ve got to think of a costume. At the moment, I have two events planned so I might as well just use the same costume twice.

My current idea, or hope, is to get together a Star Trek TOS costume, like Uhura’s. If given the choice, I’d actually prefer to be part of the science division but the dresses look best in red. Red shirts always die! Everyone know that.

I honestly do not have the kind of budget to pay £40-£50 online to get a ready made one, so I have no choice but to try and make one …

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{October 17, 2009}   Shopping

The one thing that I really enjoy about where I live, is that to get into the centre of the town centre is merely a 5 minute walk.

Just the previous summer I had the unfortunate experience of discovering why I am really so lucky. My sister is staying across the pond, and whilst I was there I literally had nothing to do.

She was off at school, having adventures. My mother was off in New York meeting friends. My Grandmother was running the household. And I had nothing except a laptop with the worst internet connection ever.

Colorado in the summer is horrible. I was stuck in a ‘gated community’, in a place where everything is 2km away from all other things. I walked to the Walgreens, and to find a post-box so that I could send off for my Star Trek Tee. The roads are busy and noisy, there were no trees along the pavements for much needed shelter and it was naturally closer to the blistering sun. After that I vowed never to leave the blissfully cool basement.

Anyways, I went to do some shopping today …

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So, I’ve been thinking about the future. A little thing about me is that my job aspiration changes all the time, a month ago I wanted to be an astronaut. Trouble is, is that I’m not good at working in a team, a quality they look for apparently. So I’ll have to get into space by some other means, like with Virgin, or the creator of Cirque Du Soleil who did that show.

Instead, I’m going to become a scientist. Perhaps looking at genetics, a future Human Genome Project for instance. Although I am pretty worried about such scientific discoveries being used for the wrong reasons.

And… the highlight of this new plan is that in my free time I’ll make a low budget film, ‘The Blair Witch Project’ style. You know, like how they were so cheap about it that they returned one of the cameras back to the shop when they’d finished filming. That means, that another person who went and bought a camera from that store, could actually have bought one which filmed the movie! Epic.

The movie will get loads of critical acclaim, and I’ll be the next JJ Abrams 😉 Nah, in my dreams.

But I do make movies in my lunchtimes. My group are currently making a safety video for a random contest. It’s not going to well, and it brings out the more violent side of myself but it’s still fun.

We’ve not finished filming yet, but we’ve started editing. I get so angry, I have a friend who I’ll call Chantelle. In some of our shots she’s been her usual disruptive self and we’ve got random paper balls flying across the shot. I’m literally in a zoo. No joke.

{October 17, 2009}   It’s Complicated

It’s complicated, life’s complicated. For a ‘young adult’ like me, it feels even more so. There’s so much advice being pushed at you, all contradicting each other.

I’m choosing my GCSEs, and my teachers are saying that this is the most important decision I’ll ever make, my entire life depends on it. So that totally freaked me out. Then I hear that GCSEs don’t mean much, except for if you go to College, and if so, what you study.

That was two years ago, and I’m never entirely sure if I made the right decision, of course, if I could, I would choose something else. Ditch music, and choose triple science with something else.

I’m trying to think of a general theme for this blog. But I think I’ll just stick with my misadventures of being an adolescent. Though the fact that I just hang about means that they mainly happen in the boredom of an English secondary school. How joyful, it’s actually rather sad.

et cetera