The Passive Escape

{November 2, 2009}   Work Experience and Glasses

So today I started my work experience, working in the pharmacy and medical section of the local drugstore. I was feeling rather pessimistic about it, suddenly thinking that I won’t actually learn that much about being a pharmacist as I’m not actually allowed to go ‘where the magic happens’ and handle the prescriptions.

But needless to say, I think that I’ve still learnt quite a bit, and after all the stocking of the shelves I know my way around the medicine section like the back of my hand 😉

It sounds sad, but I didn’t thoroughly enjoy all my breaks. There was nothing to do but sit in the staff room drinking tea and reading the Argos catalogue they randomly had on the table. It was much more interesting and relaxing to be putting out the products.

There were of course some low points, like the fact that I have to also stock the condom section. And I see worried couples scurry in, grab a pregnancy test, and scurry back out. There was also a guy who (I think) told me off for having a confused look on my face when he asked for a product that I didn’t know and couldn’t fully understand because of his thick accent. But ahwell..

I’m also getting new glasses… Read the rest of this entry »

{November 2, 2009}   Ewww, the smell of ‘tanning’

Yesterday I was cycling along the Quay with my Mum, when there was this extremely gross smell. Turns out there’s a ‘tanning’ factory nearby, which was probably the cause of the foul odor. I put ‘tanning’ in comas just in case I’m using it in the wrong way, or it’s the wrong term.

What surprised me the most, is that I’d actually smelled that smell before … Read the rest of this entry »

et cetera